Monday, March 26, 2012

Sometimes the bar eats you

I recently returned, embattled and downtrodden, from North Carolina where I took the bar exam. Some how it seemed much harder the second time. Maybe it was the fact that I tool it in a giant cement-floored building at the State Fairgrounds – usually the place for displaying farm animals or holding a roller derby. Maybe it was the fact that they made me use a ball-point pen which enraged me (small things may enrage one taking the bar exam). Maybe it was the fact that every question seemed to involve a Warranty Deed and to this day I really have no idea what that is. Yeah, it was definitely that last one mostly.

In any case, I will try to keep in mind over the next trying few weeks, while I wait in sad nail-biting waking-up-with-cold-sweats contemplating-non-legal-careers anticipation, that at least I enjoyed studying more this time. When I was studying for the Washington bar exam, I was slogging my way through the hottest summer on record in North Carolina. That is, I was living somewhere much hotter than Palau, and I didn’t have air conditioning. It was just me, my flash cards, a puddle of sweat, and the occasional empathetic look from Russell or Penny.

In Palau, my studying looked more like this:

En route to Peleliu


You can tell by the double chin, I'm studying hard! Or not. ohgodifailed.